Romans 6:12 mentions our “mortal body.” James said “the body without the spirit is dead”(James 2:26), but no place says “the spirit without the body is dead! The heart, which is the spirit of man, lives forever (Psalm 22:26). If the soul of man ceased to exist when the body does, then Matthew 10:28 could not be true. But Jesus said it! Therefore it is true!
What did he say? “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul.” Sometimes the word “soul” refers to the body, but many times it refers to the spirit or heart of man. In Matthew 10:28 Jesus clearly makes a distinction between the body and the soul. Man can kill one, but not the other. The body can be killed, but the soul continues on and on.
Paul knew this and found himself “in a strait betwixt two” (Philippians 1:22-24). Because his spirit was immortal, he knew if he died, he would depart and be with Jesus. Paul knew the real man is the spirit. He would exist with Jesus without a body, or exist here in his body. When Dorcas died, her body was left here, but Dorcas was not here.
Acts 9 tells of Peter raising her from the dead. She was a faithful child of God (Vs. 36), but she got sick and died (Vs. 37). Notice how the Holy Spirit described Dorcas after her death: “the widows stood by him weeping, and showing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them” (Vs. 39). They were in the upper room where Dorcas’ body was (Vs. 40). Dorcas was not with them, but her body was! Yes the soul of man is the real man.
Mark 8:36 talks about a man gaining the whole world and losing his soul. Luke 9:25 mentions the man gaining the whole world and losing himself. At death, “the spirit shall return unto God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7). At death, God will place our spirit in Hades, awaiting the judgment day. We will either be on the paradise side of the gulf, or on the torment side (Luke 16:19-31 … Luke 23:43, 46 … Acts 2:31).
Are you prepared to die? This is no fairly tale! This is the word of God! Death is real! Hades is real! The judgment day is real! Eternity is real!